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Used 1946 Austin Mustang Used Sedan

Options:Leather Seats
Drive Side:Right-hand drive
Number of Cylinders:4
Exterior Color:tan and brown
Vehicle Title:Clean
Drive Type:RWD
Body Type:Sedan
:original leather interior older non professional paint job appears to be rust free purchased from 92 year old collectors estate rebuilt engine new clutch runs and drives grate new tires drive as is or restore very cute looks like a shrunken 38 Buick have all original books and manuals this is a very cute little car clean nc title
Item status:In archive   SEE NEW ADS >>>>>   

Seller Description

1946 AUSTIN 10 SALOON all original leather interior purchased from 92 year old collectors estate rebuilt engine new clutch non professional paint job appears to have never had any rust floors and trunk are perfect drive as is or restore this is a neet little car looks like a small 38 BUICK AUSTIN were great cares they built the LONDON TAXIE for years this is a very cool car u want see very often because most of them were cut up for drag cars feel free to call me for more info 335 374 0452 craigOn Mar-25-20 at 12:39:47 PDT, seller added the following information:Sorry phone number was entered incorrectly it is [hidden information] for those wishing to call thanks

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Item Information

Item ID: 174354
Car location: Mount Airy, North Carolina, United States
For sale by: Dealer
Last update: 11.08.2020
Views: 143
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1946 Austin Mustang Used Sedan
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