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Used toyota landcruiser fj45 ute

Model:Land Cruiser
Right, Left Hand Drive:Right-Hand Drive
Type of Title:Clear (most titles)
Fuel Type:Petrol
Body Type:Utility
Featured Refinements:Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45
For Sale by:Private Seller
Item status:In archive   SEE NEW ADS >>>>>   

Seller Description

1975 FJ45 toyota landcruiser ute - 327 chevbeigetray and bars (removable - not pictured) built by tyrer engineering colac327 chev (done approx. 15000kms since rebuild)5 speedpower steeringfully engineereddisc brake front end, drums on rearfront and rear diff lockers with arb compressor10k warn winchlead headlightsipf spot lightsoverhead shelf in cab housing pioneer stereo and gme uhf radioarb bull barhi lift jackseats in black vinyltyres: cooper discoverer a/t3 lt26575r16spare set of hercules trail digger tyres - LT26575r16old man emu springs and shocks all round (2 inch lift)this is a great vehicle, reluctant sale due to upgrade for familylisted elsewhere, can be removed at any timewill be sold without roadworthyvehicle located near colac, victoria

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Item Information

Item ID: 185647
Car location: barongarook, Australia
For sale by: Private Seller
Last update: 4.10.2020
Views: 959
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toyota landcruiser fj45 ute
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