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Used VW beach buggy. Astrum roadster. Manx buggy

780 AUD $

Seller notes:“Obviously this is an incomplete car at the moment. I bought the buggy around 25 years ago. It was ...
Read moreabout the seller notes:“Obviously this is an incomplete car at the moment. I bought the buggy around 25 years ago. It was complete but it had a horrible chassis and a swing axle rear that was not healthy.The engine was the one in the photo. A twin carb type 3 single port not sure if 1500 or 1600 but it went well. When i was dismantling the car I realised that previous owners had changed a fuel tank the crude way by cutting a rectangle from the bonnet, changing the tank and bogging over the cuts so it needs fibreglass repairs front, rear because of the hinging top over the engine that they also thought was a good idea! I bought a smashed type 3 wagon for the rear IRS subframe and transaxle. Also kept the front disc’s, callipers and gas shocks. This was planned to be the start of a well designed chassis.I also scored a kombi 1600 box from a burnt wreck but the box was unharmed. Starter motor solenoid didn’t survive.Pick up Alexandra Victoria. No I won’t post it. Yes I will help load it. Auction. No reserve.”
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VW beach buggy. Astrum roadster. Manx buggy

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Item ID: 307330
Sale price: AUD $ 780
Car location: Australia
Last update: 4.10.2023
Views: 49
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VW beach buggy. Astrum roadster. Manx buggy
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