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Borgward Cars For Sale In Australia

Borgward Logo

Today are available 2 Used Borgward cars for sale. This listings include Borgward Cars from the Australia. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. borgward for sale in Australia

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1959 Borgward Isabella TS 2 door sedan coupe AMAZING AND SUPER RARE

1959 Borgward Isabella TS 2 door sedan coupe AMAZING AND ...

AUD $ 10284

1959 Borgward Isabella TS 2 door sedan coupe AMAZING AND SUPER RARE

  • Mileage: 82835.3
  • Transmission: Manual
collector cars for sale

collector cars for sale

AUD $ 3669

For sale is this fine example of the Borgward Isabella coupe that rarely come onto the market.Sale due to the fact that its hardly used and lack of storage space.The Isabella coupe is on Historic car club rego.

  • Year: 1960
  • Fuel type: Petrol, Gas
  • Transmission: Manual
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