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Auburn Cars For Sale In United States

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Today are available 1 Used Auburn cars for sale. This listings include Auburn Cars from the United States. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. auburn for sale in Australia

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1932 Auburn Brougham Beige

1932 Auburn Brougham Beige

$ 75000
United States

1932 Auburn Brougham This luxury car is one of the finest examples of American auto production ever made. Features include: 8-100A Lycoming Engine with 268.6 cubic inch displacement; output rated at 100 horsepower at 3,400 rpm. Columbia dual ratio rear axle, 4.54:1 gear ratio for

  • Year: 1932
  • Mileage: 50700
  • Fuel type: Gasoline
  • Transmission: Manual
Pages: 1